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2005 Year-End Awards

Starter Horse JR/YR
Walk Trot
Sponsored by Bette Jo Spaziani
Megan Stuhlfauth Twice the Lady Champion 70.952
Nicole Pagliuso My Second Son Reserve Champion 67.143
Megan Stuhlfauth Whispered Tale Third 60.952

Starter Horse SR
Walk Trot

Sponsored by Harmony Equestrian Center


Jenny Melander

Bonanza Champion 80.951
George Rickabaugh Chewbaca Reserve Champion 74.286
Helene Gregory Tourmade Third 71.905
Kim Clark Sealed in Lace Fourth 65.238

Starter Horse JR/YR
Walk Trot Canter

Sponsored by Pagliuso Custom Builders

Megan Stuhlfauth Whispered Tale Champion 68.846
Tiffany Gigante Welina Reserve Champion 64.545
Nicole Pagliuso My Second Son Third 61.818
Katie Rotelle Black Butler Fourth 55.000

Starter Horse SR
Walk Trot Canter

Sponsored by Jan Kalafat

George Rickabaugh Harlee Davidson Champion 71.920
George Rickabaugh Knockout Kris Reserve Champion 71.818
Jenny Melander Bonanza Third 70.000

Starter Rider JR/YR
Walk Trot

Sponsored by Blue Spruce Farm Dressage Center

Stephen Ingram Chewbaca Champion 68.095
Kelly Weiner Silver Endeavor Reserve Champion 67.619
Carly Goldstein Snickers Reserve Champion 67.619
Lauren Taylor H-Vee Hawks Limited Third 66.190
Hilary Moldovan Patchamo Third 66.190
Ashley Parento Tenoru Fourth 65.714
Kirsten Souder Princess Maddie Fifth 65.000
Stephen Ingram Sonic Boom Sixth 63.333
Danielle Rankow Biker Boy Seventh 63.000
Samantha Karnofsky T-Bone Eighth 62.500
Starter Rider SR
Walk Trot

Sponsored by Dr. Iris Furlong
Kathryn Nelson Mr. Flashy Perfect Champion 67.143
Kathryn Nelson Everyone’s Choice Champion 67.143
Julie Rankow Leather and Lace Reserve Champion 66.667
Sue Clark Tiny Star Third 62.381
Emily Ingram Prince of Hearts Fourth 61.904

Starter Rider JR/YR
Walk Trot Canter

Sponsored by Lekisoe Dressage Horses
& Jane Landau


Ryann Scelba

Joe Cool Champion 71.818
Starter Rider SR
Walk Trot Canter

Sponsored by Quality Overhead Garage Doors, John & Sue Malsbury
Jan Kalafat Extraordinaire Champion 71.538
Leslie Savage Infatuation Reserve Champion 67.307
Sue Clark Hoot N Holler Third 56.923

Training Level JR/YR
Sponsored by Lynette McMoran

Alexis Tozour DasEin Champion 72.692
Jackie Stillwell Ordained Reserve Champion 71.538
Tiffany Gigante Sarrotti Third 70.769
Kayla Bloomer Archimedes Fourth 69.231
Laura Moldovan Patchamo Fifth 64.615
Danny Paul Chester Sixth 60.769

Training Level SR
Sponsored by Fox Chase Farm

Erin Scelba-Johnson Lennox Champion 73.077
Gloria Rickabaugh Photo Image Reserve Champion 71.538
Cara Tozour My Valentine Third 70.000
Lynette McMoran Mathilda Fourth 69.231
Stephanie Buchanan Especially Lucky Fifth 63.460
Stephanie Buchanan Winter's Dream Date Sixth 55.385

Training Level SR
Having Shown Above 2nd Level

Sponsored by Jan Kalafat

Iris Furlong Photo Image Champion 76.538
Ellen Sullivan-Phillips Mandela Reserve Champion 67.692

First Level JR
Sponsored by Dr. Iris Furlong


Alexis Tozour

Das Ein Champion 68.529
Tiffany Gigante Sarrotti Reserve Champion 63.300

First Level SR
Sponsored by Adele Hearn and “Zelora”


Erin Scelba-Johnson

Lennox Champion 72.593
Joyce Zemo Guiness Reserve Champion 65.926
Sharon Lutgen Makin' The Grade Third 63.704

First Level SR Having Shown Above 2nd Level
Sponsored by Blue Spruce Farm Dressage Center


Iris Furlong

Tolstoi Champion 73.333
George Rickabaugh Talisman Reserve Champion 70.741

Second Level JR/YR
Musical Freestyle

Sponsored by Lekisoe Dressage Horses & Jane Landau

Corynne Alberts Paint With All the Colors Champion 72.292

Third Level SR
Sponsored by Adele Hearn and “Zelora”


Rose Marie Sinn

Gershwin Champion 60.667
Siobhan Byrne Competidor III Reserve Champion 57.778
Fourth Level SR
Sponsored by Quality Overhead Garage Doors, John & Sue Malsbury
Jane Landau Barolo Champion 66.744

Prix St. Georges JR
Sponsored by Bette Jo Spaziani

Samantha Hodgson E.A. Helen Reserve Champion 58.625
Prix St. Georges SR
Sponsored by Kem Barbosa
Sue Skinner Charleston Champion 69.250
Siobhan Byrne Sarrotti Reserve Champion 61.375
Iris Furlong Sight Unseen Third 56.000
Intermediare I JR
Sponsored by Pagliuso Custom Builders
Samantha Hodgson Bey Moon Zela Champion 63.750

Intermediare I SR
Sponsored by Kem Barbosa

Sue Skinner Charleston Champion 65.250
Siobhan Byrne Sarrotti Reserve Champion 57.750

2005 ECRDA Bronze Medals

Stephanie Buchanan
Gloria Rickabaugh
Tiffany Gigante
Jackie Stillwell

2005 ECRDA 60% Achievement Awards

Quinn Allen-Riley / Duke & Dolly
Anna Lisa Marazzo / Phoenix
Melanie Blair / Ebony & Ivory
Kelsey McConville / Danny
Suzette Bowen / Sage
Melanie Montagano / Oberon
Jessica Chant / Blue Rue
Martine Mundle / Sea Quest
Terry Correia / Grande Pomme
Melanie Mundle / Poet
Claudia Davis / Saam Salaam
Katie Painter / My True Heart
Nicole DelGiorno / Power Play 35
Kristine Partin / Westly & Fancy Delray
Judie DeWitt / Frank Lark
Lori Petrone / Raphael
Barbara Ebner / Scenario
Deb Pharo / Doc Holiday
Kelly Ethier-Winner / Babar
Lisa Rasmuson / Hell's Angel
Roni Feldman / Balmullo's Saskya
Kelly Reynolds / Scho Girl
Jill Franceschini / Illustrious
Jena Rickabaugh / Renaissance Man
Linda Fraser-Parsons / Centurion
Samantha Stillwell / Ordained
Dominique Giordano / LCA Easy Livin'
Tara Stokes / Top Honors
Donna Goldstein / Justin
Kim Taylor / Nottorious
Alexis Hager / Jessie's Joy
Lauren Taylor / Surprise Entry
Nancy Hammond / Slovenka
Alexis Tozour / Hollywood Star & My Valentine
Joan Harper / Epic's Dream
Tiffany Trotter / Chandlerman
Gail Hoff-Carmona / Wellington of LA
Tracey Wilson / Atlantic City's All That Jazz
Jean Jordan / Charming Little Lady
Linda Worthman / Bee Specific

2005 ECRDA Special Awards

Fourth Annual Most Improved Rider Award Sponsored by Cindy Canace
Awarded to: Kim Clark

Third Annual Hell's Angel Thoroughbred Rescue Award Sponsored by Lisa Rasmuson
First Place: Lristine Partin and Westly
Second Place: Kathryn Nelson and Mr. Flashy Perfect
Third Place: Kathryn Nelson and Everyone's Choice
Fourth Place: Emily Ingram and Prince of Hearts